
Threemile Canyon Farms Team Members Persevere, Innovate as COVID-19 Continues

“Business as usual” has never had a meaning at Threemile Canyon Farms because of the everchanging technologies and operational practices in our business. This was never truer than in 2020 and will continue in 2021.

As COVID-19 persists, we are taking even more operational measures to ensure that our team members remain safe while we continue to meet our contractual obligations and keep the food supply chain secure.

Plexiglass shields have been installed in many locations where person-to-person contact occurs.

Building upon our new practices instituted in March 2020 (that have since been expanded) and in compliance with OSHA’s temporary workplace standards (effective Nov. 16), Threemile Canyon Farms is:

  • Notifying team members of new OSHA rules, exposure and infection response plans 
  • Implementing additional social distancing, cleaning, ventilation and face-covering protocols
  • Assessing exposure risks, establishing an Infection Control Plan and conducting employee trainings
  • Ensuring compliance with all of our policies among contractors, vendors and other farm visitors

Varon Blackburn, Threemile’s Social Distancing Officer and Human Resources Director, said that team members have been “exceptional at adapting to new policies and have offered valuable input to make our operations even more safe while navigating COVID-19.”

Travel on the farm has changed, with vehicles limited to one occupant at a time to enable social distancing.

Since the pandemic started, our team has modeled innovation and flexibility. Back in March 2020, we were early to implement new policies that required social distancing, rotating breaks, temperature checks and mandatory face-coverings. We also changed the way we travel to the farm and while we are on the farm. Capacity was reduced by 50 percent in commuting vehicles provided by the farm. While on the farm, we encouraged modifications to vehicle travel to allow greater social distancing. Further, our team has adapted to working from home when possible. As of this date, our entire administrative staff works remotely and are only in the office when necessary. Team members on the farm are limited to only those essential to core operations.  

Our dedicated team members were quick to adapt to the new circumstances and make necessary changes to the way they work every day. Their dedication showed up not just in following new rules, but also by providing recommendations on how to enhance our protocols. As an example, our team members helped to identify additional areas to install plexiglass and suggested research into new infrared technology that we eventually installed in our office ventilation system to kill a large percentage of airborne viruses and bacteria.

“Though 2020 was a difficult year, none of these changes would be possible without the perseverance, innovation and adaptation by our employees,” Blackburn said. “We are extremely proud of our team and look forward to a good year in 2021.”

To all our essential team members: thank you for all of the measures you’ve taken to keep yourself, your family and our team safe and healthy. We know better days are ahead and we can’t wait for our entire team to return to the farm.