
Celebrating Farmers and Ranchers on Ag Day

On Ag Day, we thank the farmers and ranchers at Threemile and across the nation.

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As Winter Ends, Threemile Teams Prepare for Busy Planting Season

With the turning of the seasons comes the long-anticipated spring planting, and the weeks leading up to then are filled with activity to prepare for the busy months ahead.

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Dairy Heifer Program Returns

The start of the new year means a new and exciting opportunity for 12 local Morrow County 4-Hers and their families. On January 28, the 2022 Threemile Dairy Heifer Program kicks off for the 4th year in a row.

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Winter Preparation on the Farm: Threemile Team Prepares for Colder Months

With warmer weather quickly disappearing, and the days getting shorter, it’s a sure sign that winter is right around the corner. After harvest wraps up, our Threemile team will get the farm ready for the colder months ahead.

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