
Reuse and Repurpose

Feeding cattle byproducts from vegetable processing is an effective way to reuse and repurpose. At Threemile, it's just one tool we use to responsibly manage our resources.

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Feeding the World

We recently crunched the numbers and learned that products we grow at Threemile can satisfy about 16.7 million people's average yearly consumption of cheese and vegetables.

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Threemile Honors Our Veterans

Today we want to recognize the brave men and women who have fought for our country. We are proud to have a great group of Veterans a part of our team. Thank you for your service!

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Students and families see dairy farming up close during 4-H Field Day

Threemile Canyon Farms' fifth 4-H Field Day attracted a mix of family members of farm employees and local 4-H students and their parents to chat with farm leaders, explore various aspects of agriculture and share a community picnic.

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A Culture of Community Engagement: Threemile Celebrates National Volunteer Month

For more than 20 years, community engagement has been a foundational part of the Threemile Canyon Farms culture. Our team members are empowered to get involved with community causes they’re passionate about.

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